![]() AGENDA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION City of Garland Work Session Room, City Hall William E. Dollar Municipal Building 200 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas March 20, 2018 5:30 p.m. DEFINITIONS: [Public comment will not be accepted during Work Session
NOTICE: The City Council may recess from the open session and convene in a closed executive session if the discussion of any of the listed agenda items concerns one or more of the following matters: (1) Pending/contemplated litigation, settlement offer(s), and matters concerning privileged and unprivileged client information deemed confidential by Rule 1.05 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. Sec. 551.071, Tex. Gov't Code. (2) The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, if the deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Sec. 551.072, Tex. Gov't Code. (3) A contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, if the deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Sec. 551.073, Tex. Gov't Code. (4) Personnel matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint against an officer or employee. Sec. 551.074, Tex. Gov't Code. (5) The deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Sec. 551.076, Tex. Gov't Code. (6) Discussions or deliberations regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect that the City seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City and with which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect of the sort described in this provision. Sec. 551.087, Tex. Gov't Code. (7) Discussions, deliberations, votes, or other final action on matters related to the City’s competitive activity, including information that would, if disclosed, give advantage to competitors or prospective competitors and is reasonably related to one or more of the following categories of information:
1. | Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter. |
2. | Written Briefings: | |||||
a. |
Sale of Property 231 Glenfield Drive. Council is requested to consider an unsolicited offer from Florian Santiago Hernandez related to the purchase of City owned property obtained through a Sheriff’s Sale. This property is located at 231 Glenfield Drive. |
b. |
Sale of the property at 705 E Oates Road Council is requested to consider the sale of property struck off to the City of Garland at the Dallas County Sheriff's Sale on May 5, 2009. In accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code, the Garland Independent School District and Dallas County have provided consent for the sale to proceed. |
c. |
Sale of property located at 1710 Burke Drive The City of Garland has received an unsolicited offer from Celerina Ramirez related to the purchase of City owned property obtained through a Sheriff’s Sale. This property is located at 1710 Burke Drive. Mrs. Ramirez has presented an offer of $12,107 for the property. |
d. |
Sale of Property s located at 260 E. Marguerita Drive Garland has received an unsolicited offer from Ruben De Luis related to the purchase of City owned property obtained through a Sheriff’s Sale. This property is located at 260 E. Marguerita Drive. Mr. Luis has presented an offer of $12,680 for the property. |
e. |
Consider an application for the 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - Criminal Justice Division Grant The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has made funds available to the State of Texas Office under the 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program for the purpose of reducing crime and improving public safety. The Garland Police Department is eligible to apply to CJD for an estimated award of $59,737.48 under this grant program. |
f. |
Update on the activities of the Community Relations Officer position in the Police Department Effective with the new budget year on October 1, 2017, the Garland City Council requested and approved a new Community Relations Officer position within the Police Department. This position’s primary responsibility was to focus on taking a proactive approach to address “homelessness issues” with the City. |
g. |
Update and Recommendations from the Public Safety Committee Regarding the Safelight Program On February 5, 2018, the Public Safety Committee met to discuss the status of the Safelight Program. Nine recommendations were made for changes to the camera program. |
3. | Verbal Briefings: | |||||
a. |
Review and discussion of Request for Residential Sub-lease near Windsurf Bay Park Presentation overview of the City's Interlocal Agreement with Dallas for park and open space access and recreational use by the general public, for park or recreation purposes as designated by Garland or by Dallas in the take area of Lake Ray Hubbard, the land owned by Dallas between the take line and the normal lake pool elevation of 435.5 mean sea level. |
b. |
Review of Proposal Schedule and process for development of 2018-19 CDBG, HOME and ESG Budgets Information regarding applications, funding history, and available funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Infill Partnership Grant (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) budgets are provided for Council's information and review. |
c. |
Sale of Property at 802 E. Walnut Council is requested to consider the disposition of the property located at 802 E. Walnut, which was struck-off in Trust, to the City of Garland during the October 2017 Dallas County Sheriff's Sale. In accordance with Section 34.05 (h-i) of the Texas Property Tax Code the City of Garland may sell the property via a private bid. The City may also sell the property via a second public sale with the written approval of the governing body. No-minimum bid requirements are required for the second public sale per Section 34.05 (c) of the Tax Code. |
d. |
Consideration and discussion regarding a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Zone During a City Council retreat on Friday, December 15, 2017 the Council unanimously reaffirmed their support to create a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) zone in the area surrounding the Baylor Medical Center at Garland facility, despite the fact that the hospital announced that it would close on February 28, 2018. |
4. | Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions | |||||
a. |
Council Member Robert Vera
5. | Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. |
6. | Adjourn | |||||
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