Tuesday, May 12, 2020
5:00 P.M.
NOTICE: Due to the COVID-19 emergency and, pursuant to Section 551.125 of the Texas Government Code and the executive orders of Governor Greg Abbott suspending provisions of the Texas Government Code and other applicable laws of the State regarding normal open meetings, the City Council will hold this meeting by internet/telephonic remote means.
The meeting will be broadcast by webinar or telephone at the following URL (registration is required):
Registration for the online meeting is required. The meeting will be recorded. It is available online shortly after the meeting online at www.garlandtx.gov.
For those without internet access to the meeting, a dial-in option is available. The toll-free numbers are:
Additionally, the meeting may be accessed by phone at the following numbers:
The Meeting ID is: 939 2186 8988
For participants (online and by phone) who wish to speak, a public comments period is provided as the first item on the agenda. If you desire to address the City Council on a matter that is posted on this agenda, please be prepared to do so at the beginning of the meeting. After the City Council has begun its discussion of the agenda, you will not be recognized to speak. The public comments portion of the meeting is provided for citizen comments. You are invited to offer a comment or make a statement on any item on the agenda. However, please bear in mind that offering comments should not be done in the form of posing questions. Generally, due to legal restrictions, the City Council is not able to answer questions during the public comments portion of the agenda. Your comments must relate to an item on this agenda – non-germane comments are not in order.
If an executive session is included as part of the agenda for this meeting, the executive session will be conducted by teleconference between and among the members of the City Council and relevant City staff. Public access to that call is prohibited by State law.
An urgent public necessity exists requiring immediate action of the City Council due to an imminent threat to public health and safety arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The City continues to respond to the COVID-19 emergency consistent with Council direction and good health practices.