It is the custom and tradition of the members of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the meeting. Members of the audience are invited to participate. However, members of the audience are not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice and has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during the meeting.
The Mayor may present proclamations and recognize attendees or award winners, and may make announcements regarding upcoming City events and matters of interest to citizens. There will be no Council deliberations or votes on these matters.
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous work session and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item. The Mayor will announce the agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience and the City Council to request that an item be removed and considered separately.
1. |
Consider approval of the minutes of the July 2, 2019 Regular Meeting. |
2. |
Consider approval of the following bids: |
a. |
This request is to provide construction services for both the rehabilitation of the Rowlett Creek Lift Station Electrical Building and the installation of a new final effluent pump and variable frequency drive. |
b. |
Professional Engineering Services for EWS - Disposal Operations |
Bid No. 0929-19 |
Weaver Consultants |
$400,000.00 |
This request is to provide ongoing professional engineering services for various projects at Hinton Landfill. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. |
c. |
GP&L Transmission On-Demand Engineering & Survey Services |
Bid No. 1076-19 |
R-Delta Engineers |
$150,000.00 |
This request is to obtain On-Demand Engineering Services necessary to support GP&L transmission line projects. |
d. |
This request is for the purchase of steel structures for the Apollo Substation. |
e. |
TMPA Ben Davis to McCree Transmission Line Reconductor Material |
Bid No. 0947-19 |
Techline, Inc. |
$169,361.76 |
This request is for the purchase of transmission conductor and hardware for the TMPA Ben Davis to McCree Reconductoring CIP project. |
f. |
This request is to approve Change Order #2 for additional construction material testing (CMT) for the Pleasant Valley Road Bridge project, specifically the trail construction along Rowlett Creek from Pleasant Valley Road to Bunker Hill Road. |
g. |
Engineering Services for Rosehill Road Streetscape |
Bid No. 1116-19 |
JBI Partners, Inc. |
$201,500.00 |
This request is to obtain professional engineering services to prepare a layout and construction plans for median enhancements and a 12-foot-wide mixed use trail within the parkways on Rosehill Road. |
h. |
This request is to purchase a new Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) central software and support services to provide improved traffic management and monitoring capabilities. |
i. |
This request is for the purchase of an additional roll-off truck to be used by the Hinton Landfill. |
j. |
This request is to obtain testing and commissioning services for the new GP&L Dent Road Substation. An Optional Contingency is included for any additional services that may be required. |
k. |
This request is for the purchase of switchgears for Warehouse Inventory. |
l. |
This request is to provide construction services for the next waste disposal cell (Cell #8) and the remaining portion of the levee for the Phase 1 area at the Hinton Landfill. |
m. |
This request is to retain a firm of Certified Public Accountants to audit the City of Garland's financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019. This is a Term Agreement with four optional renewals. |
n. |
GP&L Ray Olinger Plant PRC Compliance Study and Verification |
Bid No. 1101-19 |
SynchroGrid |
$115,660.00 |
This request is to obtain engineering services for a NERC PRC 025-2 compliance study and NERC PRC 027-1 compliance verification at the GP&L Ray Olinger Plant. |
o. |
This request is for the upgrade of Elevator #2 at the GP&L Olinger Plant. |
p. |
Switchgear, Breaker and Relay Maintenance and Electrical Repair Services |
Bid No. 3138-12 |
Shermco Industries, Inc. |
$82,000.00 |
This request is to approve Change Order #1 for switchgear, breaker, and relay maintenance and electrical repair services associated with the Spencer Plant Restoration Project. |
q. |
GP&L King Mountain Transmission Line Engineering and Construction Management Services |
Bid No. 1109-19 |
Burns & McDonnell, Inc. |
$237,000.00 |
This request is to obtain engineering and construction management services for the new 345kV King Mountain Transmission Line in McCamey, Texas. |
r. |
GP&L Gas Pipeline Overpressurization Device Installation |
Bid No. 0893-19 |
Pond Company |
$135,563.00 |
This request is to provide installation of an overpressurization relief valve on the GP&L gas pipeline to the Olinger Plant. |
s. |
This request is to obtain professional engineering services to prepare a layout and construction plans associated with the replacement of approximately 11,200 linear feet of 6” wastewater lines, primarily in alley rights-of-way, along with 8” wastewater lines at locations more specifically shown in Appendix G. |
t. |
Solar Generator Interconnection and Subsynchronous Control Interaction Studies |
Bid No. 1013-18 |
Siemens PTI |
$60,000.00 |
This request is to approve Change Order #1 in support of interconnection and subsynchronous control interaction studies. |
Speaker Regulations:
Anyone wishing to speak for, against, or on agenda items must fill out a speaker card and give it to the City Secretary before speaking (cards are located at the entrance to the Council Chambers). The Mayor will recognize speakers; he may impose a time limit and may provide for rebuttal. All comments and testimony are to be presented from the podium.
3. |
Consider by minute action the appointment of a City of Garland representative to the Texas Municipal Power Agency Board of Directors.
Council is requested to consider the reappointment of Tom Jefferies as the City of Garland's representative to the Texas Municipal Power Agency Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning July 18, 2019. |
4. |
Hold a public hearing on: |
a. |
Consider the application of Masterplan, requesting approval of 1) a Change in Zoning from Community Retail (CR) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for Mixed Uses and 2) a Detail Plan for a shade pavilion amenity area to replace an existing swimming pool at an existing apartment complex. This property is located at 713 Apache Drive. (File No. Z 19-15, District 4)
BEING a 1.041-acre property described as Lot 1, Block B, INDIAN VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, an addition to the City of Garland, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 72204, Page 1714 of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas. The applicant requests to rezone an improved site to remove an existing swimming pool and replace it with a gathering area that includes a shade structure. |
5. |
Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions.
Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. |
Mayor Scott LeMay
- Michelle Nguyen - Garland Youth Council
- Victoria Penick - Garland Youth Council
Council Member Deborah Morris
- Sydney Colon - Garland Youth Council
- Ariella Colunga - Garland Youth Council
Council Member Rich Aubin
- Sarah Cox - Garland Youth Council
- Jade Martinez - Garland Youth Council
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Robert Vera
- Ximena Coronado - Garland Youth Council
- Benicio Castillo - Garland Youth Council
Council Member Dylan Hedrick
- Tisha Gautam - Garland Youth Council
- Hailey Gonzalez - Garland Youth Council
Garland Youth Council Past President Jazmin Sanchez
- Kylie Lavinsky - Garland Youth Council
- Serene Haroon - Garland Youth Council
6. |
Citizen comments.
Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
7. |
All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at www.garlandtx.gov. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each.