![]() AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL City of Garland Council Chambers, City Hall William E. Dollar Municipal Building 200 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas August 21, 2018 7:00 p.m. The City Council extends to each visitor a sincere welcome. We value your interest in your community and your participation in the meetings of this governing body. Regular meetings of the City Council are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m.; the City Council meets regularly in work sessions at 6:00 p.m. the Monday preceding each regular meeting. Strategic Focus Areas
1. | Consider approval of the minutes of the August 7, 2018 Regular Meeting. | |||||||||||||
2. | Consider approval of the following bids: | |||||||||||||
a. |
This request is to provide needed renovations to the Carver Senior Center. |
b. |
This request is to approve Changer Order #1 for an EdgeFrontier Running Engine needed to configure system interfaces for the Police Department's WebRMS Records Management System upgrade. |
c. |
This request is to provide professional engineering services to support the removal of variable frequency drives for autotransformers at the TMPA Jack Creek, Ben Davis, and West Denton Substations. |
d. |
This request is to provide professional engineering design and scheduling services for the addition of the 138 kV Dent Road Line Terminal to the existing ring bus at the TMPA Shelby Substation. |
e. |
This request is to provide professional engineering services associated with Phase II of the GP&L Electromechanical Relay Replacement CIP project. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. |
f. |
This request is to obtain professional engineering services in support of interconnection and subsynchronous control interaction studies that would allow connection to the GP&L transmission system from a solar farm facility being developed in Upton County, Texas. |
g. |
This request is for the purchase of twenty-three light duty pickup trucks. |
h. |
This request is to approve Change Order #1 to Purchase Order 25550 for Garland Power & Light's Energy Trading Risk Management Software System (ETRM). Due to the complex nature of the ETRM, additional programming is required for the original scope of work as well as additional programming identified during implementation that is beyond the original scope of work. |
i. |
This request is to reconstruct four residential streets and replace the water and sanitary sewer mains in advance of the pavement reconstruction. |
j. |
This request is to purchase three Ford F-450 pickup truck chassis with mounted 10-yard Pak-Rat trash compactors. |
k. |
This request is for the construction of a new single-family home using the HOME Infill Federal grant-funding. Due to the complex nature of the project, an Optional Contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. |
3. | Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. | |||||||||||||||||||
a. |
Zoning File No. Z 17-52, Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. (District 7) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving a Detail Plan for Elder Care – Independent Living, and Elder Care – Assisted Living on a 34.5-acre tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) District 17-28 for Mixed Uses and located at 2255 Arapaho Road; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. |
b. |
Zoning File No. Z 18-29, Charles Gojer & Associates, Inc. (District 1) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving 1) an Amendment to Planned Development (PD) 16-22 District for Community Retail Uses, 2) a Detail Plan for a Financial Institution; and 3) a Specific Use Provision for a Drive-Through Service on a 1.701-acre tract of land located at 5005 North President George Bush Turnpike; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. |
4. |
Consider a resolution authorizing a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) - Single Year - 2019 Comprehensive Grant in the amount of $368,526.86; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant in the amount of $368,526.86. The enforcement grant will consist of high visibility patrols in nine(9) identified zones throughout the City that have historically had major crashes. The required enforcement period will be Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The increased police presence is anticipated to have a positive effect on the citizens of the City of Garland through both improved driver behavior resulting in fewer serious crashes as well as crime reduction in these identified areas. |
5. |
Consider a resolution approving the abandonment, release, and conveyance of a portion of Lookout Drive in the Henry McCullough Survey, Abstract No. 901; authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute a deed conveying the property to Robson/I-35 W Investors, L.P.; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to approve by resolution authorizing the Mayor to abandon a portion of Lookout Drive public right-of-way between existing Lookout Drive and Campbell Road, and execute an Abandonment Deed Without Warranty conveying the 28,507 square feet of land to Robson/I-35 W Investors, L.P. |
6. |
Consider a resolution approving the sale of real property, commonly known as 2350 N. Glenbrook Drive (the "Property"); authorizing the Mayor of the City of Garland to execute a deed conveying the property to the adjoining property owner, C.S.I. Congregation of Dallas ("the Buyer"); and providing an effective date. Council is requested to approve by resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Deed Without Warranty conveying the property located at 2350 N. Glenbrook Drive to C.S.I. Congregation of Dallas Church. |
7. |
Consider an ordinance amending Section 25.15(D) of Chapter 25, "Parks and Recreation," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to adopt admission regulations limiting public access to Windsurf Bay Park in the event 2,500 persons or more are present in the park. |
8. |
Consider and/or act upon approving an extension of the line of duty illness/injury leave at full pay for Firefighter/Paramedic Jonathan Diffee Consider by minute action an extension of line of duty injury/illness leave for a period of up to one year as may be medically necessary for Firefighter/Paramedic Jonathan Diffee. |
9. |
Amendment of Council Policies to provide meals of Boards and Commissions Council is requested to approve the attached amendment to the 2018 [Revised] Council Rules of Order and Policies to provide a new (renumbered) Section 10, which shall read: "The Council shall budget for, and the City Manager shall cause to be provided, suitable meals for all meetings of the City's boards and commissions." |
10. |
Appointment to the Garland Housing Finance Corporation At the August 20, 2018 Work Session, Council interviewed the candidates interested in being appointed as the City of Garland's representative to the Garland Housing Finance Corporation for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2018. |
11. |
Consider an ordinance repealing Article VI, "Automated Red Light Enforcement" of Chapter 26, "Police - Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; authorizing and directing the City Manager to provide notice of termination to the [amended and restated] automated red light enforcement service agreement, as amended and approving the expenditure of public funds therefor; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. Council is requested to consider an ordinance that will repeal Article VI of Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances. Staff recommends that, if the City Council determines to terminate the program, a definite effective date and time be included so that a clear cut-off is provided to enable the administrative dismissal of any violation detected after the cut-off. Staff suggests the cut-off should correspond to the end of the City's fiscal year because the City must account for program revenues to the State. The ordinance also provides the City Manager with authority to give notice to the program vendor terminating the service contract for the program and authorizing the payment of termination costs. |
12. |
Hold a public hearing regarding the 2018-19 Proposed Budget Section 5, Article VII, of the City Charter requires that a Public Hearing be held on the Proposed Budget for the coming fiscal year. At the Public Hearing, all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard for or against any item contained in the Proposed Budget. The Proposed Budget for 2018-19 has been available for public inspection in the City libraries, in the City Secretary's Office, and on the City's website since August 8, 2018. A second Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2018. |
13. |
Hold a public hearing regarding the Proposed 2018-19 Tax Rate The Texas Property Tax Code, Section 26.05 (d), provides that a governing body may not adopt a tax rate that exceeds the lower of the rollback tax rate or the effective rate until the governing body has held two public hearings on the proposed tax rate and has otherwise complied with Section 26.06 and Section 26.065. The 2018-19 Proposed Budget is based on a tax rate of 70.46 cents per $100 of valuation, which does exceed the effective tax rate of 65.35 cents due to a 7.82% increase in taxable values. A second public hearing is set for Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. |
14. | Hold a public hearing on: | |||||||||||||||||||
a. |
Consider the application of OM Housing, requesting approval of 1) a Zoning Change from Community Retail (CR) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for Multi-Family Uses; and 2) a Detail Plan for Dwelling, Multi-Family. This property is located at 1603 East IH-30. (File No. Z 18-10, District 3) (This case was postponed from the August 7, 2018 Regular City Council meeting.) BEING an approximate 5.84-acre portion of Lot 5, Block 1, Faulkner Point North No. 2, an addition to the City of Garland, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 93149, Page 8084, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas (M.R.D.C.T.). Approval of the request would allow the applicant to develop a portion of the subject property with an apartment complex. |
15. | Consider appointments to Boards and Commissions. Board members are selected for two-year terms by the City Council in August. Terms are usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience. Board members are appointed based on qualifications. |
Mayor Lori Barnett Dodson
Council Member David Gibbons
Council Member Deborah Morris
Council Member Jim Bookhout
Mayor Pro Tem Rich Aubin
Council Member Robert John Smith
16. | Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
17. | Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at www.garlandtx.gov. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary’s Office – audio CD’s are $1 each and DVD’s are $3 each. |