![]() AGENDA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION City of Garland Work Session Room, City Hall William E. Dollar Municipal Building 200 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas September 04, 2018 5:30 p.m. DEFINITIONS: [Public comment will not be accepted during Work Session
NOTICE: The City Council may recess from the open session and convene in a closed executive session if the discussion of any of the listed agenda items concerns one or more of the following matters: (1) Pending/contemplated litigation, settlement offer(s), and matters concerning privileged and unprivileged client information deemed confidential by Rule 1.05 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. Sec. 551.071, Tex. Gov't Code. (2) The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, if the deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Sec. 551.072, Tex. Gov't Code. (3) A contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, if the deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Sec. 551.073, Tex. Gov't Code. (4) Personnel matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint against an officer or employee. Sec. 551.074, Tex. Gov't Code. (5) The deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. Sec. 551.076, Tex. Gov't Code. (6) Discussions or deliberations regarding commercial or financial information that the City has received from a business prospect that the City seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City and with which the City is conducting economic development negotiations; or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect of the sort described in this provision. Sec. 551.087, Tex. Gov't Code. (7) Discussions, deliberations, votes, or other final action on matters related to the City’s competitive activity, including information that would, if disclosed, give advantage to competitors or prospective competitors and is reasonably related to one or more of the following categories of information:
1. | Consider the Consent Agenda A member of the City Council may ask for discussion or further information on an item posted as a consent agenda item on the next Regular Meeting of the City Council. The Council Member may also ask that an item on the posted consent agenda be pulled from the consent agenda and considered for a vote separate from consent agenda items on the regular agenda. All discussions or deliberations on this portion of the work session agenda are limited to posted agenda items and may not include a new or unposted subject matter. |
2. | Written Briefings: | |||||
a. |
Tax Roll Amendment Council is requested to consider an amendment to the tax roll removing uncollectable ad valorem taxes as recommended by generally accepted accounting principles. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2018 Regular Meeting. |
b. |
Sale of Property - 1504 E. IH-30 Council is requested to approve the sale of 1504 E. IH-30 to Notewise Investments, LLC and provide an executed deed without warranty. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2018 Regular Meeting. |
c. |
Atmos Settlement Agreement Council is requested to consider approval of the Settlement Agreement with Atmos Energy Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex") and the resulting rate change under the Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) tariff. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the September 18, 2018 Regular Meeting. |
3. | Verbal Briefings: | |||||
a. |
Home Improvement Incentive Program Council Member David Gibbons, Chair of the Development Services Committee, will provide a committee report on the following:
b. |
Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committee Mayor Pro Tem Rich Aubin, Chair of the Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committee, will provide a committee report on the following items:
c. |
Update on progress and implementation of proposed 2019 Bond Referendum Representatives from Kimley-Horn and City Staff will provide an update to the Council regarding public input, community meetings, anticipated timelines and other information related to the proposed 2019 Bond Program. |
d. |
Development Services Committee Facade Program Recommendation City Council assigned the the development of a citywide commercial facade improvement program to the Development Services Committee in May of 2017. Staff prepared a draft to assist the Development Services Committee with the preparation of an ordinance or resolution establishing a new commercial facade program. Façade improvement programs are incentive programs created to encourage property owners and businesses to improve the exterior appearance of their buildings and storefronts. Simple changes such as the removal of non-historic materials, repairs, or a new paint job that calls attention to the building’s original architectural may signal positive change and motivate other property owners to perform similar improvements in their buildings. |
e. |
Skate Park Funding and Context The skate park project was approved by the Garland voters in the 2004 Bond referendum in the amount of $500,000. Staff is providing the City Council with a timeline of funding requests reflecting activity between 2004 and 2017 that led to the current budget of $1,150,000. Additionally, staff will review the recommended project delivery method and program requirements for the project as well as provide context for the project in relation to the other active projects in Central Park. |
4. | Regular Items: | |||||
a. |
Discuss Council Member Robert Vera's request to attend TEX-21 in California in September Council is requested to consider Council Member Robert Vera's request to attend TEX-21 in California September 19-22. |
b. |
Consider Council Member Jerry Nickerson's request to attend the P3 Federal Conference in Washington, D.C. Council is requested to consider Council Member Jerry Nickerson's request to attend the P3 Federal Conference in Washington, D.C. |
c. |
Request City Council authorization for the Garland Housing and Neighborhood Development Department to prepare a HUD Environmental Review on a single-family residence located at 2914 Forest Park in Garland on behalf of the Plano Housing Authority for use with their Section 8 Housing Program Council is requested to consider authorizing the Garland Housing and Neighborhood Development Department to prepare a HUD Environmental Review on a single-family residence located at 2914 Forest Park in Garland on behalf of the Plano Housing Authority. If authorized, the Plano Housing Authority will incorporate the use of the property into their Section 8 Housing Program. |
5. | Discuss Appointments to Boards and Commissions | |||||
Mayor Lori Barnett Dodson
Council Member David Gibbons
Council Member Deborah Morris
Council Member Jim Bookhout
Mayor Pro Tem Rich Aubin
6. | Announce Future Agenda Items A member of the City Council, with a second by another member, or the Mayor alone, may ask that an item be placed on a future agenda of the City Council or a committee of the City Council. No substantive discussion of that item will take place at this time. |
7. | Adjourn | |||||
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